To mark its 18th anniversary, on 14th October, T1 Diams released a new song entitled “Mo Larmé”. A song written and performed by 2 beneficiaries, namely Elodie Permalloo and Marvin Matthieu Ernest.
In a spirit of sharing of knowledge and practices, ANFEN is holding a “psychosocial” training intended to professionals offering psychosocial support to children and adolescents. The training is entitled: “Psychosocial support to children and adolescents in situations of vulnerability so that they can develop their resilience, hope and the right to a future.” (prise en charge psychosociale des enfants et adolescents en situation de vulnérabilité afin de les aider a retrouver leurs capacités résilientes, l’espoir et le droit a l’avenir.)
On World Sexual Health Day celebrated across the world on 4th September 2024, PILS held its Open Day at its “centre Communautaire Nou Vi La/Centre Banian” in Port Louis. An opportunity to showcase the services the organisation offers there and to celebrate the journey of PILS since 1996 through an exhibition of tshirts collected by Nicolas Ritter over the years illustrating the history and commitment of the organisation at local, regional and international level.
Since 2009, Konekte runs a “Service d’Ecoute” within the school premises and one of the focal points since 2018 is the prevention and intervention of suicidal behaviours at school. Since the covid-19 pandemic, Konekte has observed in 15 of the colleges they intervene, an increase in the number of depression and suicidal behaviours among students. The pandemic has taken a toll on the mental health of our young students and there is a need to get everyone around them onboard so that cases are managed in the most appropriate manner.
Groupe d’Entraide Mutuelle pour les Troubles du Syndrome Autistiques (GEM TSA MORIS) ambitionne d’être un Centre récréatif visant à donner un espace d’autonomie à de jeunes adultes atteints de Troubles Autistiques. Il est fondé sur les principes d’un partenariat établi avec une organisation similaire existant à l’Ile de la Réunion et vise à parer à un besoin concret des personnes autistes à Maurice : que deviennent-ils une fois l’âge adulte atteint ? Rencontre avec Berthy Dinmamode, fondateur de GEM TSA Moris.