Care-Co Rodrigues


Care-Co Rodrigues is a privately run Rehabilitation and Production Centre. It is set up as a Non-Profit making small enterprise and registered in Mauritius. People with Disabilities are given training and employment, with full remuneration and all the conditions of work laid down by Government regulations.

Numéro d'accréditation auprès du National Social Inclusion FoundationN./1038

Rehabilitation and Production Centre

In 1989 a Branch of Craft-Aid (Mauritius) was opened in Rodrigues in small rented premises in Port Mathurin and six people with disabilities were employed. One of these is Gonzague Pierre Louis who is blind and still attends the centre daily (although now retired). Today, the organisation has been renamed Care-Co and there are three departments.
The handicraft department produces a range of wearable and non-wearable and novelties mainly made from Coconut Shell. Another department makes beehives and a range of beekeeping equipment as well as chain link fencing.
The Beekeeping and Honey processing department was set up in 1994 and the Michael Duggan Model teaching Apiary is sited on the premises. Two sales points are operated by the organisation, one of which is the town centre of Port Mathurin and the other on the workshop premises. Training courses in beekeeping and handicraft are held regularly for the graduates of the Gonzague Pierre Louis Special Learning Centre which is found adjacent.
Marketing is also done in Mauritius and overseas. The Centre has employed up to 35 people in the past and 15 associated beekepers (with disabilities) work at home, and are supported by the Centre with equipment and marketing facilities. All government regulations and conditions regarding employment are respected.
These include minimum wage, sick and local leaves as well as end of year bonus, fares and medical expenses paid. All the employees contribute to the National Pension Scheme. Uniforms and protective clothing are provided. In 2009, Honey from Care-Co was awarded First Prize in Class 6 (Honey from all countries of the world except UK & Ireland) at the National Honey Show UK. Also in 2009 Care-Co was a finalist in the BBC, Newsweek, and Shell World Challenge for Innovative entreprises worldwide.

  • To seek to provide creative and remunerative employment and production activities for the disabled in Rodrigues.
  • Training courses for young disabled in beekeeping and handicrafts.
  • A workshop and rehabilitation centre in Rodrigues
  • A handicraft production department
  • Two model teaching apiaries
  • Two sales outlets
  • A marketing and sales department
  • A woodwork shop
  • Agents in Mauritius and in UK
  • Bees for Development
  • Rehab Group
  • Care-Co shops (sales)

Nombre de bénéficiaires : 35 full-time employed disabled 6 trainees

Nos actus
  • paul draper.JPG
    Paul Draper : « notre situation financière est critique »
    Care-Co Rodrigues
    02 juin 2015
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  • paul draper.JPG
    Paul Draper : « notre situation financière est critique »
    Care-Co Rodrigues
    02 juin 2015
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  • paul draper.JPG
    Paul Draper : « notre situation financière est critique »
    Care-Co Rodrigues
    02 juin 2015
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Contactez cette ONG
  • Président
    Paul Draper
  • Responsable
    Ms.Birgit Rudolph
  • Adresse

    Camp du Roi, Rodrigues

Structure légale et d'enregistrement
1982 as Craft-Aid Mauritius 2004 as Care-Co Rodrigues
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