Mauritian Wildlife Foundation

Environnement et développement durable

MWF is the only Mauritian NGO to be exclusively concerned with the conservation of terrestrial endemic species and their habitats, and in Rodrigues has a specialisation in habitat restoration. The principal objective of the organisation is to save threatened native and endemic species from extinction through conservation work.

  • 697 6097 (Vacoas) / 5 292 73 53 (Ile aux Aigrettes)

    • Bureau central - Grannum Road, Vacoas
    • Boutique - Ile aux Aigrettes, Mahébourg (dernier arrêt lors de la visite)
Numéro d'accréditation auprès du National Social Inclusion FoundationN/1070

Other than the fauna and flora conservation programmes put into place, the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation currently organises EcoTours of Île aux Aigrettes and Grande Montagne, open to the public. The organisation runs educational programmes on both Mauritius and Rodrigues, in order to sensitise the local youth on environmental issues and the science of conservation.

Our projects 

Rare plants and Islets Restoration

Forests are natural habitats for our endemic birds & reptiles' species. MWF undertakes several habitat restoration projects which supports its efforts to preserve our endemic birds and reptiles. This active management programe also contributes to the protection of rare endemic trees and plants. 

Bird conservation

Hard work carried out by our dedicated staff and volunteers in the field over the last 33 years has brought significant results towards saving our endemic birds.
Some bird species such as the Mauritius Kestrel, Pink Pigeon or Echo Parakeet have been saved from extinction in-extremis. We also address the issue of declining populations for species such as the Mauritius Fody, Mauritius Olive White-eye and the Mauritius Cuckoo-shrike. 

MWF today strives to ensure that no other endemic bird joins the Dodo and the long list of less famous extinct birds.

Reptiles and seabirds

Once present in hundreds of thousands in Mauritius, endemic reptiles mainly survive in the wild on small islets surrounding the mainland. 

MWF preserves endemic reptiles that are extinct on mainland Mauritius, by carrying out work on islets that are predator-free. Seabird conservation is vital for the survival of these reptile species as they bring food to the islets and contribute to coastal ecologies. 

The tortoise rewilding project involves restoring the lost interactions between tortoises and plants in the ecosystem. They act as browsers, grazers and seed dispensers thus supporting forest re-generation.

Rodrigues Conservation programme

The MWF's conservation efforts in Rodrigues have been sustained for over 25 years through the restoration of natural reserves.


MWF believes that the long term survival of the endangered native biodiversity depends on the education of the Mauritian and Rodriguan children and the environmental awareness of the public at large. 

In particular, human-wildlife co-habitation needs to be addressed in order to ensure the survival of the endemic Mauritius fruit-bat. 


Local schools, the local public, and tourists.

The Mauritian Wildlife Foundation (MWF) is a Registered Charity (No. 2143) and was established in 1984. MWF works in close cooperation with the Government of Mauritius and the Rodrigues Regional Assembly, formalised in separate memorandums of understanding. The headquarters is located in Vacoas, Mauritius and the Rodrigues branch is based in Solitude.

  • To save threatened Mauritian species through the restoration of entire ecosystems.
  • To seek new information through field research, data management, captive studies and scientific collaboration for direct application to restoration methods and management.
  • To share knowledge gained through restoration programmes with fellow Mauritian and international conservationists.
  • To share the joys and benefits of native wilderness and wildlife with the Mauritian people.
  • To secure the future of Mauritian species through income generation and sound management of human, fiscal and capital resources.

The Mauritian Wildlife Foundation (MWF) has played a major role in saving the country's critically threatened birds and plants from extinction and has gained international recognition in doing so. 

It has been a catalyst in working in partnership with private, public, and community stakeholders in its mission towards sustainable development through its nature conservation programmes. 

Our best known achievement is the saving of the Mauritian Kestrel. The MWF, has in recent years, brought the Pink Pigeon, the Echo Parakeet and the Mauritius Fody back from the brink of extinction. MWF's work in the area of captive-breeding and hands-on wild management of endemic animals is of internationally high repute.

Our expertise is also being used in Rodrigues to address problems caused by degradation of habitat. Here we are propagating native plants in nurseries and planting them out to restore vegetation communities.

The Foundation also works actively to restore offshore islands, by removing exotic vertebrates and plants and by restoring vegetation and vertebrate communities.

The MWF is currently working on several islands including Ile aux Aigrettes, Round Island, Ile aux Cocos and Ile aux Sables. All of these are high profile projects of national and global biological significance.

As a non-profit, the Mauritian Wildlife Foundation runs on CSR funds (45%), international donations (25%), individual donations and own funds generated through EcoTours and shop sales (25%) and government support (5%).

Nos actus
  • Anse Quitor Labourers.JPG
    Entre conservation et sensibilisation
    Mauritian Wildlife Foundation
    11 nov. 2019
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Contactez cette ONG
  • Président
    Tim Taylor
  • Responsable
    Deborah De Chazal
  • Adresse
    • Bureau central - Grannum Road, Vacoas
    • Boutique - Ile aux Aigrettes, Mahébourg (dernier arrêt lors de la visite)
Structure légale et d'enregistrement
The Mauritian Wildlife Foundation is a Charity association and NGO.
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