Soleil de l’Ouest


Communities are only as strong as their members.  In this respect, in 2016, Soleil de l’Ouest developed the Strong Families, Stronger Communities Programme
This is the main stem of action at Soleil de l'Ouest. The Programme includes various activities that are directly correlated to strengthen the family unit, and help them contribute to a stronger community.

Health and Care : 

Mental health

> Family counselling;
> social workers.

Soleil de l’Ouest has a family counsellor, one child counsellor and two social workers who provide psychosocial support to families affected by mental health issues, family violence and alcohol and other drugs (AOD).  Using a systemic approach, our psychosocial team help individuals and families identify their existing strength and capacities, and develop the tools necessary for their development.

Physical health

> Social workers (linking to existing services)
> Regular medical check-up as per needs identified by Social Worker for the community
> Yoga at Case Noyale and Le Morne

The communities covered by Soleil de l’Ouest often do not have geographical, financial, social or emotional access to existing services (including medical services). 
Our social workers and volunteers support vulnerable community members by giving them access to health and social services.  This can come in the form of:

> Physical access – social workers accompanying community members to the hospital, social security, protection services….
> Social access – ensuring that community members are receiving the services that they are owed.

Community Development

Soleil de l’Ouest has developed the Reflexion Partage Parent (RPP) programme : 
A programme of 8 sessions that gives parents a platform to reflect and discuss issues affecting their lives, and develop the tools to address these issues.   
Within the programme, the following topics: Self-esteem, communication within the family, child development, budget, health and nutrition, basics on drug and alcohol issues. 
RPP is done once a year in one of the village at a time, depending on funding available. 


« Accompagnement Scolaire » in Case Noyale once a week

Numéro d'accréditation auprès du National Social Inclusion FoundationNCSRF/2017/0444

Psychosocial support :

  • Family counselling ;
  • Child counselling ;
  • Active listening ;
  • Linking to existing services
  • Support group sessions for carers and family members of a person depending to drug or alcohol (every 3rd Wednesday in Cotteau Raffin). 

Health and care :

  • Linking to existing health services ;
  • Referral and access to private medical consultation (including psychiatric support)
  • Sports and leisure activities for women and adolescents (yoga)
  • Nutrition (Home gardening, community garden in Chamarel, Boutique alimentaire)

Development and education:

  • Reflexion Partage Parents – 8 sessions to provide parents the space to reflect on issues affecting their lives, and develop the necessary tools and resources to address these issues.
  • Accompagnement scolaire




As at end of 2023, 786 persons living in difficult situations in more than 200 families. 


Soleil de L’Ouest was created in 2011.  Since its creation, the Organisation has developed and implemented various projects and programmes to alleviate poverty and encourage the social integration of some of the most vulnerable individuals and communities in Mauritius. The regions covered by Soleil de l’Ouest include the villages of Chamarel, Case Noyale, La Gaulette, CotteauRafin and Le Morne Village. 

To respond to this growing problem of violence within the family unit, in 2016 Soleil de l’Ouest developed the Strong Families, Stronger Communities Programme.

The area is home to some of the most “at risks” communities in Mauritius. In the Government’s 2011 Relative Development Index, Le Morne village was ranked last (at 145th place), meaning that it is the LEAST developed village in Mauritius. Case Noyale was ranked 143rd, just ahead of Le Morne Village and Rodrigues Island, while the village of Chamarel was ranked 136th. Three of the four villages (Cotteau Raffin was included as part of La Gaulette) in our region were ranked in the last 10 developed villages in Mauritius. The area suffers from low education levels, food insecurity, poor physical and mental health, and high socioeconomic issues such as drugs, alcohol, domestic violence and child abuse. Women and children are usually the first victims of these acts of violence in the region, and are in need of urgent support. Factors that may contribute to domestic violence include:

  1. Trans-generational patterns of violence, low self-esteem and mental health issues. This pattern may only be addressed and broken through activities that combine community based development initiatives, with ongoing psychosocial support; and
  2. Unstable employment of many community members who face food insecurity on a daily basis.

To respond to this growing problem of violence within the family unit, in 2016 Soleil de l’Ouest developed the Strong Families, Stronger Communities Programme.

Reduce poverty and alleviate human suffering in some of the most vulnerable groups in the communities of Le Morne Village, Cotteau Raffin, La Gaulette, Case Noyale and Chamarel by:

  • Empowering individuals and families to become leaders in the development of their own communities;
  • Strengthening the family unit through psychosocial support; and
  • Improving physical and mental health in the community.
  • NSIF
  • Other private funders (long-term and one-off partnerships)
  • Private donations
  • Fundraising events
  • Boutique solidaire Soleil de l'Ouest
Nos actus
  • RPP Case Noyale.jpg
    Une « Réflexion Partage Parents » à Case Noyale
    Soleil de l’Ouest
    30 oct. 2020
    Lire Plus
  • RPP Case Noyale.jpg
    Une « Réflexion Partage Parents » à Case Noyale
    Soleil de l’Ouest
    30 oct. 2020
    Lire Plus
  • RPP Case Noyale.jpg
    Une « Réflexion Partage Parents » à Case Noyale
    Soleil de l’Ouest
    30 oct. 2020
    Lire Plus
Contactez cette ONG
  • Président
    Jean Francois Lafleur
  • Responsable
    Sweety Labeauté, Project Coordinator
  • Adresse

    Centre Geraldo Verloppe,
    Chemin L'Église Stella Maris,
    Royal Road,
    Le Morne Village 

Structure légale et d'enregistrement
07 Novembre 2011
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