
Autisme Maurice Autisme Maurice: A life lesson for its 15th anniversary 03 déc. 2024
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On the 26th November 2024, Autisme Maurice celebrated its 15th anniversary.  To mark this milestone, a musical entitled “Briser les Barrieres: Une leçon de vie” (Break down the barriers: a life lesson) tracing the history of the organisation was performed at Caudan Arts Centre on the same date.  

The musical was a first in Mauritius for having autistic children, their parents and educators performing on stage.  It was the opportunity to pay tribute to late Geraldine Aliphon, the founder of Autisme Maurice and it showcased the 15 years of determined efforts, challenges and battles won.  The show aimed at sensitising the public about autism, showing the daily life of autistic children, parents and families with its share of ups and downs.Through the carefully picked songs, dances and dialogues conveyed the message “believe in diversity and cultivate hope for an inclusive future.”    


On that occasion, a song "Lespri Inebranlab" written by Jerzy Narraidoo and sung by Sandra Mayotte, the anthem of Autisme Maurice, symbolizing passion, perseverance and commitment towards their mission was launched. 


The synergy that was developed in the making of this musical has set a stepping stone for the future: “together we can continue to advance this cause, for a world where every child, irrespective of their differences, has a place and a voice.”


To support or benefit from services offered by Autisme Maurice, please call on 428 0158.  

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